Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Portland is an elite city

Portland is leading the way in the future and is a city at the forefront of the worlds environmental struggle. The city has delved its roots deep in its culture. "The environment is also the main theme of public policy." The city is forward-looking and a visionary of community development to accommodate our future population growth. A good article explaining the problem of reproduction is called the Tragedy of the Commons

The city's nature has been a major attraction for single individuals and the city's "Keep Portland WEIRD" bumper stickers promote creative individualism or is a nice welcoming to all. This seems weird, how can a bumper sticker promote community? Well, It brings the community together under one saying, which is promoted even on banners and is said in local newspapers and is in every other part of the city's meaning and culture.

Portland is a trendy, hip place, with a city design that reduces urban sprawl and promotes community in each person's living area. It keeps clutter minimized in the urban areas and has a record of innovation among American cities. It is setting a new standard to guide other cities constantly developing and growing.


Article Link:
The New Model: Is Oregon's metropolis a leader among American cities or just strange?

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Golf course or regional park?

Colwood wants to rezone 140-acres into a golf course. The course would be in NE Portland Cully neighborhood, They say it will bring jobs to this struggling area. The neighborhood claims there is no possible way to support a golf course in the area and instead the government should own the land and make it into a regional park. The golfing company offered to donate a section of the land to make into a park.


Rezone plan:

Article Link:
Green Space Versus Greenbacks in Cully

Friday, April 9, 2010

Is the automobile Portland's major carbon emission issue?

Portland is sinking a lot of money into its bike plan, but the major issue of carbon emissions does not stem from our automobiles nearly as the impact from our wastes. Major carbon emissions come from our everyday disposal of trash, moving trash, and creating landfills for the trash to be placed. Statistics prove that nearly 50% of our wastes are from the trash we dispose of daily.

Article Link
Most Oregon greenhouse gas not what you might think

Portland Oregon's Bicycling in the Fast Lanes

Portland Oregon has developed a plan to unify the cities bicyclists and auto drivers paths for future safety measures on the roadways. This plan will not only reduce accidents but will also provide people quicker paths of transportation to encourage bicycling as a more standard means of transportation. That will hopefully reduce the amount of automobiles on the roadways and reduce our pollution in the city. The city has made efforts in marking paths downtown and hopefully this will continue with expansions of paths off the roadways as well. Click on Portland Oregon's Bicycling in the Fast Lane title to view a map of the future bike routes.

Article Link:
Portland Bicycling Plan for 2030